About Folgmann IT Consulting

Since founding of Folgmann IT Consulting in 1996 I have performed or lead various projects in the field of IT and telecommunications and thereby significantly contributed to the IT development of large telecommunication companies. Parallel to my business activities I finished my study of Computer Science and Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart with a degree in Computer Science ("Diplom-Informatiker").

To achieve maximum flexibility I work on site at my customers' as well as at my own office. If necessary I can resort to a large network of additional highly qualified freelancers, which enjoy my full confidence, since I have already included them successfully in my own projects in the past.

When I perform a project, I feel totally responsible for it. I assist my customers with important decisions, carry out negotiations with third party companies on demand, or work on behalf of my client with his customers. My good contacts to all important vendors and service providers of the IT and telecommuncations industry guarantee a smooth project flow.

I prefer a proactive, solution oriented procedure. Usually I provide myself with a full overview very quickly and make a detailed plan. Together with perpetual communication between all parties involved in the project, this ensures, that problems are already avoided in the preliminary stages.

I would like to answer personally any further questions you may have or make an individual offer for your special project.

Yours sincerely,

       Boris Folgmann

Boris Folgmann
Boris Folgmann

Last modified: 2024-03-27 19:03:49
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